Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I've been eyeing up some more handspun yarn on Spots' and I can't get over how expensive it is, I mean, I realize you have to buy the roving which is handdyed and then send it to a spinning and then have them send it back. But, really couldn't I learn to do that? That is the question of the day: Can I learn to spin? Then I would only have to buy the roving or tops and a spinning wheel, of course... and ta da... my own handspun!

Action plan:
1. Send email to Aunt Sally to see about her spinning wheel/if she can show me how its done. (DONE)
2. Check Craigslist in the area/Twin Cities to see about used Wheels (DONE)
3. Order books on spinning on Merlin from the Library so I can see what the H@ll I'm getting myself into (DONE)
4. Forgo buying the beautiful MM Dragon's Lair handspun for now, adding that perpetual money to my "spinning" money for potential spinning wheel purchase. (DONE)
5. Start a blog to discuss this with myself instead of knitting or napping during naptime (DONE)

Finally planted the Valerian, Lavender, and Snowball Hydrangea I got at the Ojibwa Rd. Perrenial sale. I had wanted to put them somewhere new, but ended up just putting them in the flowerbed. Someday it will be beautiful. In addition to those three I also added BeeBalm and hostas this year. They need LOTS of water with this heat.

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