Friday, December 10, 2010

A big storm is supposedly brewing and it just makes me want to hole up and knit! Its so warm and toasty in our house, thanks to the wood heat. I got in a good ski today, about 3.5 km I think. Its the farthest I've been. It really was beautiful out there with the freshly fallen snow twinkling in the sunlight. It made me think of the poem Sara read at Grandma's funeral, "I did not die, I'm the twinkling snow." How true, it really sums up my feeling on death and energy reuse.

I've been really thinking about knitting socks lately... I think I've caught the bug. I have about three sets of sock yarn to be knit and my plan is that they are all three for ME! Josh would like a pair of wool socks, but I have to say I'm not inclined to knit him any when he doesn't take good care of his things. I know I'll be really upset if he looses/wrecks them. I'm hoping that the pairs for me go smoothly because Knit picks has some adorable tonal yarns that would be nice for future pairs!

Unfortunately I have some birthday knitting to finish before I can focus on my socks.

January: Mom, Rozie [Mom's I'm waiting until she gets her hoodwink and then she can chose between matching mitts or a Salute hat]
February: Hana (almost done)

Then I suppose its back to Dad in April, Urgh... not more socks! Why is it that I am excited to knit socks for me, but dreading knitting socks for him!

Then I think I'm free for June, July, August, September.

October: Sally & Sara

Then its back to Christmas and my two boys. Maybe I can manage to get Josh a pair of winter socks done before next Christmas! I suppose I could use that Gwion as it already has Nylon in it.

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