So, I'm thinking about goals for 2011. 2010 has been an interesting year with our share of heartache as well as enjoyment. I don't have any big plans for this year other than a family vacation this summer. Josh will pick the direction of travel as he's not travelled much. I don't care much where we go, just have to get out of dodge and show the world to our young man.
Knitting-wise, which is always where my head is lately I have lots of goals:
- Not buy new yarn until I've knitted up what I have... exceptions: vacation/travel souvenir yarns or I need to make something specific and don't have anything suitable. [As you can imagine, I can make really anything fall under that second one.]
-Knit myself at least three pairs of socks, if not seven... I'd like to have one for each day of the week. I have one on the needles and yarn for two (or three) more.
-Knit a sweater for Jameson. [I have the yarn, pattern, and needles for this.]
- Go to Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival!
I would also like to loose the 20 or so pounds that have snuck up on me this last six months that I've been preoccupied. I plan to try to ski on days I don't work, but not to freak out if i don't. I'm already registered for a 10K Ski race in the end of February so that is incentive to practice. Today I did 3.4 km in 45 minutes. If I decide I'm going to stick to skiing I'll try to buy a boots, poles, ski's combo at the end of the season if they are on sale. When the weather gets better I'll go back to walking and hopefully biking [bike needs some work--Steal back the bike trailer I bought from mom and dad].
I would like to do something to celebrate the wheel of the year... just something small.
And of course: pay off debt. which will probably entail refi the house in June and pay things off on that + new windows and hopefully my sun room.
I think that is enough for a year!