Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So, is their Blogiquette? Like etiquette? Like I'm pretty sure 3 posts in a day (so far) is a little excessive... don't worry I'm sure I'll get sick of it.

So, lil'J is such a boy, definitely his father's. His new toy? My Honda Accord, he's been playing in it for like an hour today, its parked in the shade, the door is open, but I see he's turned on the hazards-nice!

Mom and Dad are at the greenhouse so they are picking me up some Marigolds and Pansies to supplement my baby-perennial garden. AND a tomato plant since Mom got me the topsy-turvey Tomato grower thing for my Birthday.

I stopped at the LYS while in Spooner, no spinning classes, but possible lead of another local newbie. Big news, they are going to have a monthly Knit and W(h)ine in the evenings! I've been wanting wanting wanting this. I'll have to tell Mimi as soon as she gets back from Scotland.

What's for Dinner? Grilled chicken with Fetuccini Alfredo and Cesear Salad

Thank you mac for spellchecking me everywhere I type!

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